Instructional DVDs
Due to time limitations, not everything involved can be included when producing paintings for our television show. We have to pick and choose what to omit. However, from the beginning I film everything I feel of importance for teaching students aside from the TV show, and include all this material in our extended-length DVD series. I hope our material helps you reach your personal goals as an artist - no matter the level you desire. And remember, being essentially non-profit, sales of any product basically helps us continue to produce the commercial-free shows and instruction - sales are your donation in this endeavor and we thank you for your support! Jeffry Krafft (host & executive producer)
IMPORTANT NOTE! Please note the DVDs "Reference Creator Package" and "Painting Reference Computer Composition" on composing and creating painting reference material using the computer are computer-based video files
to be played on a device the can play back windows format videos - not an older DVD player that only plays a traditional DVD. We did this to preserve the quality of the original recorded screen shots.

Click a DVD below for quick content review or to purchase!
Click the Preview buttons to visit that page - including video samples!